Private School Resource Officers
When it comes to ensuring a safe environment in the schools of Eastern Massachusets, absolutely every preventive measure has to be taken into consideration before something tragic and unfortunate happens. In order for that to be possible, a specific type of professional has to be hired to undertake the implementation of a thoroughly detailed safety plan. This professional, proudly supplied by AmeriGuard Protective Services, is called a School Resource Officer. Hired by the local police department, sheriff's office, or by the school system, the School Resource Officer (SRO) works closely with the school administration in an effort to establish safety measures in accordance with their special training and selection. If you represent a private school around Everett or the Eastern Massachusetts in general, don't hesitate to contact AmeriGuard Protective Services at +1 (617) 846 - 1211 as we will be more than capable of solving all your safety needs. The integrity of your students is our duty!